1992年,台灣政府合法化了東南亞勞工的引進。國際移工的引進,除了對台灣的勞動力市場產生了影響,卻也為台灣勞 工與東南亞勞工開啟了多層面的互動。然而,來台灣的藍領移工必須忍受支付高額仲介費、不得自由轉換雇主、與本地勞工同工不同酬等不合理的制度與對待。把「管理」當成核心的台灣移工政策,剝奪了勞工的基本人權,儼然成為一個新的21世紀奴隸制度。這樣的制度讓藍領移工除了被當成廉價勞動力,也使他們成為本地勞工失業率與勞動條件下降的代罪羔羊,倍受社會羞辱、孤立與歧視,更造成了不同國籍勞動者間的分化和敵對,傷害了在同一條船上的勞動者的團結。
Taiwan legalized the entry of blue collar migrant workers from Southeast Asia in 1992. This action not only impacted the Taiwan labor market, but also opened up contact between Taiwanese and Southeast Asian workers on multiple levels. These migrant workers coming to Taiwan suffer from high placement fees, lack of freedom to transfer between employers, unequal pay for equal work, etc. Taiwan’s migrant worker policies prioritize “management” as the main consideration. It deprives workers of their basic human rights, creating a new system of slavery in the 21st century.
The migrant workers used as cheap labor have also become the scapegoats for rising unemployment and the worsening of working conditions for local workers in Taiwan. Migrant workers suffer from social stigma, isolation and discrimination. Furthermore, the system causes alienation and hostility between laborers of different nationalities, which is harmful to the solidarity of all workers who share one fate..
從台灣勞工運動的脈絡出發,體認所有勞動者利害皆相關,一群勞工運動組織者於1999年10月成立台灣國際勞工協會(Taiwan International Workers Association,簡稱TIWA),是全台第一個以國際移工為服務對象的民間組織。
Recognizing that the struggles of different worker groups are interrelated, a group of labor organizers with long experience in the Taiwan labor movement established the Taiwan International Workers Association (TIWA) in October 1999. TIWA is the first NGO in Taiwan dedicated to serving migrant workers.
Aside from actively campaigning for labor rights, TIWA helps empower migrant workers to establish their own organizations. Over the past years, we have supported the establishment of the KApulungan ng SAmahang PIlipino (KASAPI) and the Ikatan Pekerja Indonesia Taiwan (IPIT). Furthermore, due to the prevalence of nationalism and cultural prejudice in Taiwanese society, we also organize cultural activities with the goal of transforming Taiwanese society’s image of international laborers and promoting mutual respect, social justice and equality.
In 2003, we gathered together grassroots organizations concerned with migrant workers to form an umbrella organization called the “Promoting Alliance for the Household Service Act” (PAHSA). We advocate for domestic workers who work in private homes to have their labor rights protected by law. In 2007, PAHSA changed its name to the “Migrants Empowerment Network in Taiwan” (MENT). The alliance is the most important force promoting the migrant workers’ movement in Taiwan.
TIWA participates in local labor and social movements, including organizing the workers involved in big labor disputes to fight against the capitalists and the government for their rights. For example, TIWA organized workers affected by factory closings and toll collectors. By insisting on the protection of domestic workers’ working conditions, TIWA has joined the movement to form a social welfare system for long-term health care. We propose “justice in caring,” emphasizing that neither care-giver nor care-receiver should be sacrificed. The government should take responsibility for long term care.
The concept behind TIWA is that all workers share the same fate, regardless of nationality, and should have equal protection of working conditions and labor rights. TIWA is committed to maintaining the labor and human rights of international migrant workers, as well as to the reform of the Taiwan migrant labor system.
- 廢除私人仲介制度 強制政府對政府直接引進
- 立法保障家務工
- 移工得自由轉換雇主
- 取消藍領移工工作期限
- 移工要政策決定權
Our goals:
- Abolish the private broker system, implement Government-to-Government (G2G) direct hiring.
- Legal protection for domestic workers’ working conditions.
- Freedom to transfer between employers.
- Abolish the working and residence time limitation for blue collar migrant workers.
- Migrant workers should have the right to vote on policies that affect them.