from : wus worker 1

發言者: 楠電勞工1

We, Filipino migrant workers from WUS, are here to express our grievances and experience with our problem that was brought to the Ministry of Labor, BLA Kaohsiung and EPZone, due to improper treatment and handling of the problem and grievance as migrant workers. For the reason that we are being ignored and mocked by EPZONE and Kaohsiung BLA when we approached them with our problem at the company we worked for. Instead of being kind and considerate of our complaint, they themselves have become allies of the company we complained about without proper investigation taking place. That as a Labor Authority BLA-EPZ should organize a meeting to hear our grievances and fix our dispute with our company that is complaining about our unpaid ot, food and lodging, and tax receipt.

我們,楠梓電子公司的菲律賓移工,在這裡表達我們對勞動部、高雄市政府勞工局以及加工出口區的經驗和不滿,因為他們對我們申訴的問題處理不當,以及我們不滿他們對待移工的態度。當我們拿在公司遇到的問題找他們的時候,我們被加工出口區和高雄市政府勞工局忽視和嘲笑。他們非但沒有善待和體諒我們的投訴,反而在沒有進行適當調查的情況下,就已經成了我們投訴的公司的盟友。 作為勞政主管機關,勞工局和加工出口區應該召開一個會議,聽取我們的不滿並解決我們與我們公司的糾紛–關於未足額給付的加班費、膳宿費和繳稅收據等等。

So, on this day we want to express our frustration with the BLA-EPZ kaohsiung and how they treat and handle the grievances of our Labor Dispute. We are already part of Taiwan’s developing economy, and we love Taiwan. May we be treated in the same way as local workers? Can we sit and talk with our complaints and problems of us, WUS workers?

所以,今天,我們想表達我們對高雄市政府勞工局和加工出口區的不滿,以及對他們如何對待和處理我們的爭議案的不滿。 我們已經是台灣經濟發展中的一份子,我們愛台灣。 我們可以像本地工人一樣地被平等對待嗎? 我們可以坐下來,談談我們,楠電 工人,的申訴和問題嗎?

what we need is understanding and justice, and not criticism. and we will fight and fight for our rights as workers and for the good of all workers and future migrant workers and local Taiwanese workers.

我們需要的是理解和正義,而不是批評。 我們會繼續奮鬥,為了我們勞工的權益,為了全體勞工而戰,也為了移工和本地勞工的未來而戰。

from : wus worker 2

楠電勞工 2

Good Day! With due respect with the Control Yuan, we are here because we think this is the possibility for Control Yuan to correct what Kaohsiung BLA and EPZONE had done to us, these Labor Authorities don’t care about migrant workers welfare, they do not know how to treat the workers fairly. Our complaint from April until now, nothing happened, EPZONE never talked with us, Kaohsiung BLA just said – EPZONE SAID, NO MORE PROBLEM AT ALL!- WHAT IS EPZONE? WHO IS EPZONE? If they are the right authority to investigate our case, why do they never ask the workers’ side? They sent a letter in chinese, it is not fair to us, why no English Translation? Seems like they became allies of our company, because they made us feel this way!


I was one of the 3 workers who was Illegally Terminated by WUS, our company. Our company accused us that we stole a blank paper and printed it, which was also done by other co-workers, but they used this reason to terminate us, only to the 3 of us. They raised their voice and pressure me to admit that I stole a BLANK PAPER from the company. I was pressured to write and sign in a letter that I want to voluntarily go home to the Philippines, If I didn’t write and sign, they threatened to ban me to all countries and they would call the Police to arrest the 3 of us. This causes me EMOTIONAL DISTRESS WITH FEAR! If it’s not with TIWA and DCU intervention, what will happen to us? We did not even hear from BLA that terminating us is a violation, they even agreed that we stole something that gave our company the right to terminate us for A PIECE OF BLANK PAPER? DO YOU ALL THINK THIS IS FAIR!?


When we called 1955 several times since April to file a Formal Complaint. Kaohsiung BLA just called and said – Accept the result of EPZONE investigation-, -we cannot say your company did a violation so you can have a party- we cannot accept this kind of treatment, they are the Bureau of Labor Affairs, supposedly protecting workers rights and welfare. For many years of working in Taiwan we often hear to our fellow compatriots their own experienced here in Kaohsiung, when they had Labor Dispute with their employer and broker, and when they filed a case in 1955, most of their cases are not properly investigated and most of all Kaohsiung BLA never gave them a chance to hear their sides, even some workers would try to argue for their cases so they can have a fair judgement, BLA will never ever gave them a chance to speak and never grant their demand. And now, we experienced it! For how long we will wait? If we didn’t ask the help of local NGO (TIWA and DCU), how would our case progress? If it’s not for them, surely we cannot come here to submit our appeal. How long will the Kaohsiung BLA not change their bad attitude towards the migrants? When there are more questions for our case the more they IRRITABLE TO ANSWER us, they want us to STOP ASKING QUESTIONS! MOL and CONTROL YUAN, for how long will the Kaohsiung BLA do this to us and to all migrant workers?



我,我們,要求一個公平的決議,我們要加工出口區和勞工局跟我們和TIWA和家務工工會講話。請讓我們解決這個從一開始就沒有妥善處理的我們申訴案問題! 我們不是你的敵人,我們是為台灣經濟做貢獻的勞工,我們永不放棄爭取我們的權益!

DCU(Domestic Caretalers Union) STATEMENT

桃園市家庭看護工職業工會 聲明

MOL is the Taiwan Ministry of Labor, A MINISTRY TO PROTECT WORKERS RIGHTS FROM WRONGDOING BY OUR EMPLOYERS! We support the fight of 31 WUS workers, their fight is also our fight, what they are suffering is also the suffering of many Domestic Caretakers!! We cannot understand how the Kaohsiung BLA cannot interfere with WUS workers’ cases. All migrants do not  know WHAT and WHO is EPZONE. We never experience from Kaohsiung BLA telling us – we will protect your rights- your employer violate your right- they never reveal the violation of any bad Taiwanese Employer and bad brokers, even there are times BLA already knew that the employer violates our right they would not give a little comfort or appreciation of how the worker endure all the sufferings from bad employers and bad brokers, they will never ever reveal the violation. They will make us feel that we are the bad one.

勞動部是台灣勞政中央主管機關,一個保障勞工權益不受雇主侵害的部會。我們支持31位楠梓電子的勞工爭取權益的行動。他們的抗爭也是我們的抗爭;他們受的苦也是家務移工正在受的苦。我們無法理解為什麼高雄市政府勞工局無法處理楠電勞工的案子。所有的移工不知道加工出口區是什麼? 誰是加工出口區? 我們從未經驗過高雄市政府勞工局說:我們會保障你的權利、你的雇主違法侵害你權利、他們從未揭露任何壞雇主或壞仲介,甚至有很多次,高雄市政府勞工局明知雇主侵害我們的權益,他們也不會提供任何一點關心或理解勞工是如何承受著壞雇主和壞仲介帶來的痛苦,他們從不揭發這些違法行為。他們只會讓我們覺得我們才是那個壞的人。

Many migrant workers in the south especially if the case is in Kaohsiung, surely 1955 will forwarded it to Kaohsiung BLA, but many of us DOMESTIC CARETAKERS in Kaohsiung are already intimidated on how they talk to us. They cannot even show any GENTLE APPROACH, the way Kaohsiung BLA talks with us is very INTIMIDATING ATTITUDE! Because of their very intimidating attitude, they make us feel frightened more than from our bad employer and bad brokers, we never feel we are protected but make us feel frightened and lose our confidence to talk about our case.


To our DEAR MOL, how do you train your BLA employees, especially the BLA in Kaohsiung? Do you train them to work with HUMANE BEHAVIOR, EMPATHY and SENSIBILITY? or MOL do not have this? instead, A VERY “INSENSIBLE” MINISTRY AND BUREAU! That is why from your VERY GOOD OFFICE down to the level of Bureau of Labor Affairs contain for do NOT have, NOT EVEN HAVE -EMPATHY- TOWARDS TO ALL MIGRANT WORKERS?!  “We, workers work with our heart”, We hope MOL and BLA’s work with heart too! We will not give up the Fight!

致我們親愛的勞動部,你是如何訓練勞工局的員工?特別是高雄市政府勞工局?你是否訓練他們工作的時候應該有人道考量、同理心和敏感性?還是勞動部沒有這樣的訓練? 相反的,你們是非常「麻木不仁」的部會和局處!這就是為什麼上至你優秀的辦公室下到勞工局的層級,對所有移工都沒有,甚至連同情都沒有的原因?!「我們,工人用心在工作」,我們希望勞動部和勞工局也能用心工作! 我們不會放棄戰鬥!

FROM: GANAS Ketua Fajar

發言人:印尼勞工團結組織 會長 Fajar

Selamat siang, saya Fajar dari GANAS COMMUNITY. Organisasi kami membantu mendampingi kasus sengketa ketenagakerjaan pekerja migran dari Indonesia.

Selama ini kami menemukan kendala untuk memperjuangkan hak pekerja bukan hanya pada majikan dan agency namun juga dari pihak Depnaker, dan masalah depnaker bukan hanya terjadi di depnaker Kaohsiung.

Ketidakseriusan dan ketidak berpihakan Depnaker kepada pekerja migran, terlihat dari tidak semua staff Depnaker yang mengunjungi tempat pekerja bisa berbahasa asal pekerja migran sehingga menyulitkan pekerja migran untuk mengutarakan kondisi bekerja mereka yang bermasalah.



Staff Depnaker yang mendapat pelaporan pekerja migran yang bekerja diluar job justru menghubungi pihak agency lebih dulu sebelum datang kunjungan ketempat kerja sehingga pihak majikan sudah mengkondisikan dan lolos hukum!

Staff Depnaker ketika mediasi pekerja migran yang bermasalah dan putus kontrak justru meminta kepada korban agar memahami situasi majikan yang melanggar. Dengan meminta pekerja tetap bekerja di majikan hingga majikan mendapatkan pekerja baru dan tetap menempatkan pekerja dalam kondisi tereksploitasi.



Ketidakseriusan Depnaker Kaohsiung sudah merupakan salah satu contoh yang jelas. Oleh karena itu, terhadap kasus WUS yang terjadi di Kaohsiung ini, kami meminta Kontrol Yuan secepatnya bertindak memeriksa dan memberikan peringatan kepada depnaker Kaohsiung, agar depnaker daerah di seluruh Taiwan bertanggung jawab dan berperan yang melindungi pekerja dengan benar.

Kami berharap agar Depnaker selaku instansi pemerintah yang seharusnya melindungi tenaga kerja migran benar benar bekerja sesuai prosedur yang ada. Kami pekerja migran bukan untuk di pinggirkan karena kami pendatang namun kami juga pekerja yang sama sama mempunyai kontribusi besar terhadap ekonomi sosial negara Taiwan



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