展覽地點:fnac法雅客信義店 攝影走廊 (台北市松壽路9號地下二樓)
Exhibition space: fnac Hsin Yi Branch, photography hall (Taipei City, Song Shou Road # 9, Floor B2)
Exhibition time: March 23-April 27, 2006
開幕茶會:95/3/26 2:00pm~5:00pm
Opening: March 26, 2006, 2:00pm~5:00pm


2005年八月,十一位在大台北地區工作/生活的移駐勞工(migrant workers)加入了「台灣國際勞工協會」(TIWA)籌劃開辦的攝影工作坊。以人手一台的傻瓜相機為觸角,移工們透過觀景窗,以第一人稱的視角逐步發掘存在於週遭卻經常被忽略的各種現象,並以簡短的文字敘述來表達他們對自己身份的看法與對不同文化現象的提問。當語言文化的隔閡造成本地人對「外來者」的漠視或曲解,這個展覽希望能提供給觀者一個有別於主流媒體所呈現的,未經「我們」簡化或篩選過的第一手經驗。
In August 2005, 11 migrant workers who live and work in the Taipei area participated in a photography workshop organized by the Taiwan International Workers Association (TIWA). Using simple automatic cameras to feel out their environment, the migrant workers give us their first-person view of many phenomena which are all around us, but which we often overlook. They also use brief captions to express their views about their own position here and to raise questions about different cultural practices. Language barriers often create misunderstandings between locals and “foreigners.” We hope that this exhibit will give the audience a view of migrant workers’ lives that is different from the images in the mainstream media, a first-hand experience that has not been pre-digested and simplified by “our” cultural lenses.

參展作者 Photographers
Lucile F. Alfaro, Ma. Christina S. Antipala, Blesilda Candingin, Elizabeth R. dela Cruz, Emy I. Derder, Alicia E. Dimzon, Gracelyn Mosquera, Glorette Platon, Jun M. Sanchez, Cyd Charisse B. Sannoy, Maricel Castelo Santiago

萬分感謝翻譯義工:黃于玲、a member of 2005 tww winter camp、王維菁、育萍、王君琦、Yen-ling Chen、王品、曾涵生

A thousand thanks to our volunteer translators: Huang Yuling, a member of the 2005 TWW winter camp; Wang Weijing; Yu Ping; Wang Junqi; Yen-ling Chen; and Wang Pin.

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