TIWA已經加入由南韓外勞工會發起的Justice for Yeosu Detention Center Fire Victims and All Migrant Workers連署,請大家也支持!

以下是由苦勞網提供的發起聲明中文翻譯,南韓外勞工會(Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon Migrants’ Trade Union) 的最新聲明與事件報導請看這邊

九名工人死於拘留中心大火 工會要求南韓政府立法保障外勞
南韓首爾仁川外勞工會 2007/03/01




在2 月11日清晨4點,南韓港口麗水市一個關押非法勞工的拘留所發生大火,以致9個被拘留人士死亡,18人受傷。當時警鐘及灑水器都沒有運作,拘留所的職員嘗試用滅火器撲救但失敗。雖然如此,職員並沒有開鎖放出被關押的人士,以免他們逃走。被拘留的外勞都因此吸入有毒的濃煙而窒息,濃煙是引致嚴重傷亡的主要原因。直至消防員趕到現場後大火才被撲滅。



政府只是用一個無情的方法來應付這個問題,就是減少南韓非法勞工的數目,以致外勞在移民局的取締行動中受傷甚至死亡的事件經常發生。更壞的是,他們一旦被拘捕,就需要面對被監獄更惡劣的拘留所環境及不人道待遇。就是因為政府錯誤的政策,以致這宗悲劇發生。在 2005年在同一個拘留所已發生過火警,但是麗水移民局辦事處並沒有在拘留所檢3及更新任何防火設備。今年的大火發生後,外勞的不人道待遇並沒有改善。三名在大火中受傷的外勞在醫院的床上都要帶上手銬,以防止他們逃走。政治甚至拒絕向死傷者家屬及民間組織透露任何數據。


1. 對慘劇的真正原因及事實進行全面的調查,懲罰對今次事件需要負責的官員,法務部長要引咎辭職,及需要向死傷者家屬作出賠償;
2. 關閉所有對拘留者實施不人道待遇的拘留所,以及改革拘留制度;
3. 停止所有取締外勞的行動,及將所有外勞合法化;
4. 實施制度來保障外勞的權益,及為他們討回工資。



Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon Migrant’s Trade Union

Justice for Yeosu Detention Center Fire Victims and All Migrant Workers

Dear Colleagues,

We are writing to inform you about a tragic fire that recently broke out in a foreigners’ detention center in the city of Yeosu in South Korea’s Southern Jeolla Province. We hope you will take serious notice of this incident and South Korea’s inhumane treatment of migrant workers, which are at its roots, and organize a response in your area in solidarity with our efforts here in Korea.(Please see the following regarding the summary of this incident)

There are currently roughly 400 thousand migrant workers in South Korea, of who about 189,000 are undocumented. Migrants in Korea have come either as ‘industrial trainees” or under the government’s Employment Permit System, which places them at specific factories and prohibits them from freely moving to other jobs. Most migrant workers experience inhumane treatment, unsafe working environments and low and unpaid wages. Therefore, many see no other choice but to leave their assigned jobs in search of better conditions, thus becoming undocumented. The government has responded to this situation with a brutal crackdown in an attempt to diminish the number of undocumented migrants in Korea. Migrant workers are frequently injured and killed in surprise immigration raids. What is more, they face brutal conditions and human rights abuses in detention centers like the one in Yeosu, which are worse than prisons.

It is because of this situation created by faulty government policies that the tragedy in Yeosu occurred. In fact a similar fire broke out at the same facility in 2005,
but the Yeosu Immigration Office never conducted a thorough inspection of its fire prevention system nor updated its equipment. The inhumane treatment of migrant workers has also been evident in the aftermath of the fire. 3 injured migrants were handcuffed to their hospital beds out of fear they would try to escape. What is more, the government is refusing to reveal information about the incident to the bereaved families and civil society organizations.

We are now circulating the sing-on letter to the President Roh Moo-Hyun.

In Solidarity,

Joint Committee for Counter Measures to the Tragic Fire at Yeosu Foreigners Detention Center

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact :

Joint Committee for Counter Measures to the Tragic Fire at Yeosu Foreigners Detention Center
Tel.: +82-2-2670-9234 Fax: +82-2-2635-1134 Cel: +82-19-257-0165
Email: [email protected]
2nd Fl. Daeyoung Bld., 139 Youngdeungpo-2-ga, Youngdeungpo-ku, Seoul 150-032 Korea

Korean Confederation of Trade Unions(KCTU)
Tel.: +82-2-2670-9234 Fax: +82-2-2635-1134 Cel: +82-19-257-0165
E-mail: [email protected] Web-site : http://kctu.org
2nd Fl. Daeyoung Bld., 139 Youngdeungpo-2-ga, Youngdeungpo-ku, Seoul 150-032 Korea

Seoul-Gyeonggi-Incheon Migrants’ Trade Union(MTU)-affiliated to KCTU
Tel : +82-2–2285-6068
Email: [email protected] Website: http://mtu.or.kr

“Justice for Yeosu Detention Center Fire Victims and All Migrant Workers”

Summary of the Incident

At 4:00 am on February 11 a fire swept through the locked cells of the detention center at the Yeosu Immigration Controls Office, killing 9 detainees and wounding 18 others. Neither the alarm system nor the sprinklers operated when the fire broke out. The detention center staff tried but failed to put out the flames using portable fire extinguishers. Even so, they did not unlock cells to free the detainees. The detainees were forced to breathe in toxic fumes emitted from burning mattresses. These fumes were the cause of most of the deaths and injuries.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation. The South Korean government says it suspects arson by one detainee, but has not produced any evidence. Despite this alibi it is not hard to see that the real roots of the tragedy lie elsewhere- in the government’s inhumane policy towards migrant workers.

Background on Migrant Workers in Korea

There are currently roughly 400 thousand migrant workers in South Korea, of whom about 189,000 are undocumented. Migrants in Korea have come under either the “Industrial Trainee System” or the “Employment Permit System,” which place them at specific factories and prohibit them from freely moving to other jobs. Most migrant workers experience inhumane treatment, unsafe working environments and low and unpaid wages. Therefore, many must leave their assigned jobs in search of better conditions, thus becoming undocumented.

The government has responded to this situation with a brutal crackdown. Migrant workers are frequently injured and killed in surprise immigration raids. What is more, they face inhumane conditions and human rights abuses in detention centers like the one in Yeosu, which are worse than prisons. Migrants’ organizations and their supporters believe that the only true way to solve the issue is to stop the crackdown, improve the migrant workers system and legalize all undocumented migrants.

Human Rights Abuses in the Aftermath of the Fire

Injured migrants have been forced to receive treatment while handcuffed to their hospital beds. 28 migrants who were deemed to need no treatment were transferred to Cheong-ju Detention Center. Of these, 17 were forcibly deported without begin given any compensation. The government is also refusing to reveal information about the case to bereaved families and civil society organizations.


In response, ‘Joint Committee for Counter Measures to the Tragic Fire at Yeosu Foreigners Detention Center’ was formed. We are working to raise awareness about the incident and its roots and investigating the actual conditions in detention centers around the country. We held a memorial service and mass rally on February 25, which was met by police violence.

Now more than ever, our struggle needs international support. The situation of migrant workers in South Korea must be familiar to all those who come from and/or work in immigrant working-class communities in throughout the world. Please show your solidarity by signing this petition to the South Korean government!


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