■ 家事服務法推動聯盟 2004/10/12
「家事服務法推動聯盟」秘書處—台灣國際勞工協會表示,雖然立法院本屆最後一個會期即將結束,而且立法委員大多忙於選舉,此時送出法案似乎時機不恰 當;但是「家事服務法推動聯盟」經會議決議,仍決定於今天正式向立法院提案;因為對社會弱勢者而言,時機是必須用「搶」的,永遠不會有「恰當」的時機。
每天凌晨2:30起床,到市場搬東西、賣貢丸,到早上8:00回到雇主家整理、清掃,10:00以前完成打掃後再開始製作貢丸,直到晚上9:00以後結 束,再打掃環境後才能休息。雇主只提供中午便當,晚上吃雇主吃剩的晚餐。外勞因工作環境惡劣而有許多的燙傷、切傷、皮膚過敏的現象。男主人常常喝酒,酒後 多次全身赤裸到外勞房間,外勞嚇的跑出屋外等待家人回來才敢回到屋內。每月大約支領7000元薪資。
阿公要求外勞每天為其洗澡、按摩,且常對外勞毛手毛腳、擁抱等動作,或摸、或捏、或掐外勞身體,甚至曾對外勞以暴力強迫性交。阿公每天晚上12點會自行進 入外勞房間直到清晨3、4點才回到自己的房間。外勞哀求阿公停止所有性騷擾、猥褻、虐待等行為,但阿公以”自己花很多錢買外勞,所以外勞要聽話,不然就送 回國” 的話語威脅,外勞陷於龐大債務、暴力虐待的雙重煎熬之中。外勞求助仲介,卻反遭仲介公司恐嚇、毆打以致昏迷而送醫急救!
外勞因雇主命令在琴店打掃而被警方拍照警告,外勞害怕再次任許可外工作被查報會被遣返,但雇主因而遷怒外勞,要求外勞分擔罰款且常對外勞挑剔、責罵,且持 續要求外勞至琴店打掃。雇主突然告知要將外勞送回越南,外勞尋求友人協助陪同至勞工局求助。外勞工作半年多卻只領到1萬多的薪資!雇主堅持不支付所積欠薪 資!
Ma. Joy de la Cruz is a domestic helper. She had given up so much just to be able to come here in Taiwan. She pawned the land title of her father to an agency. She borrowed money and issued a check because she would be imprisoned if she would not pay it. Her properties were either sold or pawned to pay for the fare to Taiwan and other related expenses. She did these with the hope of giving a better future to her children. While working in Taiwan she got news from the Philippines that her children had stopped from schooling due to financial problem. Worse, one of her children was sick and needed immediate medication.
Ma. Joy complained of sexual abuses committed by her employer. She was raped several times within her seven months of work in Taiwan. The first incident happened on the third month of her employment. She could not remember when was the next time it happened but she knows it happened several times whenever her employer wife went out. The male employer could easily go in her room because it has no lock. She had been molested in his child room and toilet because there was no lock too. According to her, all the rooms in their house have no lock. The last incident was on its seventh month of her stay. It was the time when she could no longer bear the pain and tolerate his abuses so she ran and sought for help.
The various financial responsibilities and the thought of having to support her children were enough reasons for Ma. Joy to bear that sexual abuses committed by her employer. Apparently, the abuse happened more than once but she has no courage to report it for fear that she might be repatriated and default on all her financial obligation.
性侵害; 性騷擾
我以幫傭之契約來台。來台一天後、仲介公司將我送至雇主。雇主將我送至旅館過夜。我覺得很極快。在我雇主家、工作沒算時間、隨便雇主之意思。我工作很累、 雇主將他父親帶回家住、這位先生常性騷擾我。雇主第一次強姦我但不成功。雇主將我安排我住第四樓、沒有門。一天早上、在我換衣服、雇主從我後面推我倒在床 上、強姦我。
我來台第一次時、工作還不到多久、仲介將我遣返回越南。不久以後、同樣之仲介、帶我回來台灣。兩次來台之仲介費台幣貳千元美金。第二個雇主常性騷擾我、他 常打我、有時候在醫院、有很多人看到我被雇主打、拿東西丟我。他性侵害我兩次。每次性侵害或性騷擾我、雇主都恐嚇我說『不能講否則被遣返回越南』。
除了照顧雇主家裡的兩個老人之外,從早上清晨六點起床後就像機器一樣一刻都不能停.不但要照料二老的三餐之外還要煮雇主其他人的三餐.洗全家的衣服不能用 洗衣機只能用手來洗全部的衣服.下午的時候跟著被監護人去雇主妹妹家.被監護人在做復健(水療)的時候,她必需幫忙雇主的妹妹做店裡的清潔工作還有整理藥 材.等到把工作做完後已是清晨兩點.
Workers Name: Jenny
Nationality: Filipina
Type of Contract:: Caretaker
jenny came to Taiwan hoped she’ll have a good fortune during her stay but then everything has gone. Jenny worked in her Employer’s shop instead of working as a caretaker without any rest day for 1 year until she met a Filipina neighbor and reported to ther Police. The Police officer picked her up in her Employer’s shop and brought to the Police Station. Then the Police officer brought her to the Bureau of Labor Affairs and had negotiation meeting. The Employer terminated her contract and said she doesn’t like this worker anymore. Bla informed her Employer that they cannot just terminate her because she’s under contract and the policy is that Employer will have another chance to let the worker work on her legal employment. Then after a month another negotiation was held in Bla and the lady employer still don’t want to take her back.
Workers Name: Luzviminda
Luzviminda came to Taiwan to work as a Caretaker to “Akong” But then Akong is stil very much in good condition and taking care of his grandson’s poultry. She was hired by Akong’s grandson. then after 2 days of her arrival she was asked to worked in his poultry and feed the chickens and take care of them everyday. she had worekd for 1 year and 3 months. Then she finally realized that she’s not working according to her contract signed in the philippines. She had informed her situation to Bla ( Bureau of Labor Affairs) through radio station ICRT.
Her employer was warned by the Bla but then they just don’t care. They terminated her contract and were not given permission of transfer. She stayed in the shelter for 6 months.