Draft of Household Service Act, Workers’ Version

Drafting team: TIWA, Hope workers’ center, MCD, Stella Maris, CALL, St. Christopher Church.

Translated by:The Columbian JPIC Office; Version: 2004-08-12
Migrant Workers Concern Desk Eden See, Eden See; Version: 2006-07-27


Chapter I: General Provisions

第一條: 為規定家務勞動者勞動條件最低標準,保障勞方權益,特制定本法。
Article 1: This Act is made especially for regulating the minimum standards of labor conditions to protect household workers’ rights. For matters not regulated by this Act, regulations stipulated in other laws applies.

第二條: 本法用辭定義如左:
Article 2: The terms used in this Act are defined as following:
1. Employee: This refers to a person, including a domestic helper and/or caretaker, employed by an employer to engage in household work for wages.
2. Employer: This refers to the family members that exercise management rights, including the employer who employs an employee, the family members and delegates of the employer, and the person who is given care.
3. Wage: This refers to the monetary gain obtained through working, including wages and premiums, allowances, and any other regular payments paid in cash on an hourly, daily, monthly, or piece-work basis.
4. Labor Contract: This refers to a contract that regulates an employer- employee relationship.

第三條: 本法所稱主管機關:在中央為行政院勞工委員會;在直轄市為直轄市政府;在縣〔市〕為縣〔市〕政府。
Article 3: The competent authorities mentioned in this Act refer to the Council of Labor Affairs of the Executive Yuan in the Central Government; the Municipal Governments in the municipal cities; and the County (City) Governments in the counties and cities.

第四條: 任何人不得介入他人之勞動契約,抽取不法利益。
Article 4: No person shall intervene in another person’s labor contract to extract illegal benefits.

第五條: 雇方應提供附基本設備及具隱私保障之適合居住空間予勞方,細則由主管機關訂之;若雙方同意,勞方之居住所可設在雇方住所之外,但其房租及交通津貼應由雇主於工資之外另行支付。
Article 5: An employer shall provide an employee with a habitable space which is private and well equipped with basic facilities, and the competent authority shall stipulate the enforcement rules of this Article. In cases where both parties agree, an employee’s residence can be settled outside of an employer’s. In such a case, the employee’s rent and traveling allowance shall be paid by the employer, in addition to the wage.
An employer shall provide an employee with written standards for household work. When applying for a recruiting permit, these standards must also be reported to the competent authority, after which they shall take effect. The content of these standards shall not contravene the laws, public order, or good customs, and these standards must be reasonable.
An employer, during the period of the contract, shall provide the employee with three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) per day, or food allowance equivalent to the amount of three meals.

第六條: 中央衛生主管機關應依勞工安全衛生法及就業服務法規定,主動通知勞雇雙方,協助勞方參加定期健康檢查。
Article 6: The concerned central health authority, pursuant to the regulations of The Labor Safety and Health Law and The Employment and Service Act, shall take the initiative to notify both the employer and employee when the employee is required to submit to regular medical checkups.
The expense of said medical checkup shall be paid by the “Employment Security Fund”

第七條: 雇方應為勞方投保全民健康保險與勞工保險,以保障勞方的工作權益。
Article 7: The employer shall provide the employee with National Health Insurance and Labor Insurance, and guarantee the protection of all working rights of the employee.

第二章: 勞動契約
Chapter II: Labor Contract

第八條: 勞動契約分為定期契約與不定期契約。
Article 8: Labor contracts are divided into fixed term contracts and non-fixed term contracts.
An expired fixed term contract shall be viewed as a non-fixed term contract in case any of the following situations arise:
一、 勞工繼續工作而雇主不即表示反對意思者。
1. Where the employee continues his/her work without any immediate expression of opposition from the employer.
2. Where a new contract has already been made, and the working period for both the old and new contract lasts for more than ninety days, and the discontinuance period in between the old and new contracts lasts less than thirty days.

第九條: 非有左列情形之一者,雇主不得預告勞方終止勞動契約:
Article 9: An employer may not terminate a labor contract (with advance notice) unless any of the following situations arises:
1. Where an employee contravenes the household work standards or regulations of the labor contract, and the situation fails to improve after the employer asks the employee to change.
2. Where an employee is proven by a doctor to be suffering from or afflicted with a major illness or injury and is incapable to work.
3. Where the person to be given care dies, or the reasons for employment are no longer valid.
4. Where force majeure necessitates business suspension for more than one month.
5. Where an employee is confirmed to be incompetent for his/her job duties.

If an employer terminates a contract pursuant to this preceding regulation,
he/she must act within 30 days from the date that the circumstances are
made known. In case the employee is a foreign person, his/her return airfare
shall be paid by the employer.

第十條: 勞工有左列情形之一者,雇主得不經預告終止勞動契約:
Article 10: In case an employee is proven to be in any of the following situations, an employer is entitled to terminate the labor contract without advance notice:
1. Where the employee is convicted of a crime and sentenced, and the sentence is pronounced and confirmed without probation and without permission to change this sentence into a financial penalty.
2. Where [an employee] is absent without justifiable reasons for three consecutive days or an accumulative six days within a month.
3. Where violence or conduct of gross insult is done to an employer.
An employer that terminates the contract pursuant to the preceding regulations must act within 30 days from the date that the circumstances are made known.
In the case of a foreign person, the return airfare shall be shouldered by this person him/herself.

第十一條: 雇方有左列情形之一者,經勞方提出異議一個月後,應改善而未改善者,勞方得終止契約並請求主管機關轉換至其他雇主:
Article 11: In case an employer is proven to be in any of the following situations, and one month after an employee raises an objection and the employer still fails to improve what should be improved, then an employee is entitled to terminate the contract and ask the competent authority to have him/her transferred to another employer.
1. Where an employer does not pay wages to an employee in accordance with the contract.
2. Where an employer does not pay wages to an employee directly and in the full amount.
3. Where an employer forcibly keeps an employee’s personal belongings in custody.
For a contract terminated pursuant to the preceding regulation, in case an employee is a foreign person who chooses not to be transferred to another employer, or who cannot find another employer, and desires to return to his/her own country, then this employee’s return airfare shall be shouldered by the employer.

第十二條: 有左列情形之一者,勞方得不經預告終止契約:
Article 12: In case any of the following situations arises, an employee is entitled to terminate the contract without advance notice, and the original employer shall present a contract-discharging agreement:
1. Where the employee is compelled to engage in work/tasks that are not
stipulated/specified in the employment contract.
2. Where an employer renders violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, or conducts of material insult against an employee.
3. Where an employer suffers from a malignant, infectious disease.
4. Where an employer commits violence or coercion, or uses other illegal means to force an employee to perform a task.
五、 雇方以言語恐嚇或肢體暴力威脅,使勞方在違反其意志下另行簽署契約者。
5. Where an employer, through verbal intimidation or physical violence, forces an employee to sign any side-contract against his/her will.
6. Where an employer contravenes the labor contract or labor law, so that an employee’s rights might be compromised by certain damaging contingencies.
If the employee terminates their labor contract due to one of the above causes, the employer is obliged to submit an agreement of termination. If the employee is a migrant employee and he chooses not to be transferred to another employer or cannot find other employment, and has to return to his/her country, the employer is obliged to pay the returning flight ticket for the employee.

第十三條: 雇方依第九條終止契約,須於一個月前以書面告知勞方或以一個月之工資代之。
Article 13:An employer who terminates a contract pursuant to Article 9 shall give notice to an employee one month in advance, or such notice shall be substituted by one-month wage.
In case that both parties agree upon an advanced contract termination, both parties shall go to the local concerned authority to sign an agreement of contract termination in both parties’ mother tongues, only after which will the termination begin to take effect.

第十四條: 有左列情形之一者,勞方不得向雇方請求資遣費:
Article 14: In case any of the following situations arises, an employee shall not ask for a separation fee from his/her employer.
1. In accordance to Article 9, Item 1, Section 1
2. Where an employer terminates a labor contract pursuant to the regulation
of Article 10.
3. Where a fixed-term labor contract expires and the employee has already left the post.
The amount of the paid separation fee shall follow the regulation of The Labor Standard Law.

第十五條: 外籍勞動者因雇主違反第九條或依第十一條、第十二條轉換雇主時,主管機關應於轉換期間比照就業保險法發給勞方失業給付。
Article 15: In case a migrant worker requests to be transferred to another employer, if the employer violates Article 9,11,12 during the waiting period before his/her transfer, the concerned authority shall pay unemployment allowance to the employee in accordance with The Employment Insurance Law.

第三章: 工資
Chapter III: Wages

第十六條: 工資由勞雇雙方議訂之。但雇方不得以扣除膳食費、交通津貼或其他項目,使勞工實際薪資所得低於勞動基準法之基本工資。
Article 16: Wages shall be determined by an agreement between the employee and employer, provided that after deducting for food, lodging and travel allowance, this wage shall not fall below the minimum wage regulated by The Labor Standards Law.

第十七條: 工資之給付,每月應定期發給一次,雇主應直接全額給付,並不得另行扣除食宿費。
Article 17: Wages shall be paid on a regular monthly basis. An employer shall pay the wage in full amount directly to the employee, and shall not deduct any further food and lodging fee.
An employer shall provide an employee with pay slips written in language(s) known to the employee, with every item listed clearly on the slip, including the amounts of the wage, legal deductions such as tax, health insurance fee and labor insurance fee. After both the employee and the employer have confirmed the specific items, both parties shall sign on the slip, and each shall retain one copy of it.
An employer shall keep a payroll record of workers, specifying the amount of wages payable, the computed items of wage, and the sum total of wage payments. The payroll record shall be kept in custody for three years.

第十八條: 雇方延長勞方工作時間者,其延長工作時間之工資,按每小時工資額加給二分之一以上。
Article 18: Where an employer asks an employee to extend his/her working hour(s), the wage for such extended hour(s) (overtime) shall more than half of his/her regular hourly wage.

第十九條: 雇方不得預扣勞方工資作為違約金或賠償費用。
Article 19: An employer shall not deduct an employee’s wage in advance for punitive damages or indemnity.

第二十條: 雇方有積欠工資之事實,主管機關得限期令其給付;屆期仍未給付者,勞方得向就業安定基金請領工資墊償,請領辦法由中央主管機關另訂之。
Article 20: In case an employer is proven to be in arrears of wage payment, the
concerned authority shall order the employer to pay the arrears within a limited period of time. If the wages owed are still unpaid by the expiry of the said period, overdue wages shall be paid from The Employment Stabilization Fee Fund. The central concerned authority shall stipulate measures for such payment.

Article 21:If a worker fulfills the above contract, he/she should be eligible for retirement pension under the The Labor Standard Law and The Act of Labor Retirement Payment.

第四章: 工作時間、休息、休假
Chapter IV: Work Time, Rest Time, and Day-Off

第二十二條: 勞方每兩週正常工時為八十四小時,每日之工作時間以不超過八小時為原則,其工作時間由勞雇雙方約定。勞方每日須有連續十小時之休息,其休息時間雇方不得要求勞方提供勞務。但若雇方有緊急需要,徵得勞方同意時始得為之;勞方於連續休息時間內提供勞務之工作時數,視同加班,每日不得超過二小時,每週加班時數不得超過十小時,每月加班總時數不得超過四十小時。
Article 22: The regular working hours of an employee should be at most 84 hours every two weeks. The regular working hours of an employee shall not exceed eight hours per day, and his/her work hours shall be determined by an agreement between the employee and employer. An employee shall rest for 10 consecutive hours per 24 hours. An employer shall not ask the employee to provide any manual work during his/her rest hours; in case there is an urgent need, the employer can only ask the employee to do so with the consent of the employee him/herself. The manual work provided by the employee during his/her rest hours shall be viewed as overtime, which shall not exceed two hours per day, ten hours per week, and forty hours per month.
The employer shall prepare sign-in books or time cards to record employees’ attendance on a day-to-day basis. These books and cards shall be kept in custody for one year.

第二十三條 勞方每七日中至少應有一日之休息作為例假。。
Article 23: An employee shall have at least one regular day-off every seven days.

第二十四條 雇主應每年提供勞工教育假八小時,主管機關應提供勞工在職訓練。
Article 24: The Employer shall provide the Employee annually with an eight-hour
educational leave; the establishment should also provide them with on-job

第二十五條 勞方在同一雇方單位持續工作者,每年應依左列規定給予特別休假:
Article 25: In case the Employee continues to work for the same Employer or
business entity for a certain period of time, the Employee is entitled to an
annual leave based on the following scale:
1. Seven days’ leave for service of more than one year but less than three.
2. Ten days for service of more than three years but less than five.
3. Fourteen days for service of more than five years but less than ten.
4. One additional day of leave for each year of service beyond ten years, up
to a maximum of thirty days.

第二十六條: 經中央主管機關規定應放假之國定假日,勞方均應休假。
Article 26: An employee shall be granted time off on all holidays prescribed by the
central concerned authority.

第二十七條: 勞方於例假日、國定假日以及特別休假日當日二十四小時不須提供勞務。休假日之工資雇方應照常給付。若勞方經雇主要求並同意於休假日工作者,其工資應加倍計算。
Article 27: The Employee need not work or serve for 24 hours during his/her regular day-off, national holidays and special leave. During these days, the Employer should pay the Employee with his/her usual wages. In cases whereby the Employee is required and agrees to work during these days, the Employee should be paid double their regular wage for the day.

第二十八條: 因天災、事變或突發事件,致雇方認有繼續工作之必要時,得停止勞方之休假,但停止休假期間之工資應加倍計算,並應於事後予以補假休息。
Article 28: Due to an incident of natural disaster, catastrophe, or emergency event, if an employer deems it necessary [for an employee] to continue the work, an employee’s leave of absence can be suspended, provided that the wages for the period of time of this suspended leave shall be double the regular wage, and the employee shall be granted a leave afterwards to rest as compensation for the leave suspended.

第二十九條: 勞方因婚、喪、疾病或其他正當事由請假依勞工請假規則辦理之。
Article 29: Matters for an employee taking leave due to marriage, bereavement, sickness or other proper reasons shall be managed in accordance with the employee’s leave-taking regulations.

第五章: 人權保護、女性保護、性別歧視之防治、性騷擾之保護與防治
Chapter V: Human Right Protection, Female Protection, Gender Discrimination Prevention, Sexual Harassment Protection and Prevention

第三十條: 雇方不得以契約另行約定勞方有結婚、懷孕、分娩或育兒之情事時,應行辭職,亦不得以其為解僱之理由。
Article 30: An employer shall not prescribe any side-contracts stipulating that in case an employee gets married, becomes pregnant, or engages in activities such as child-birth and child-nursing, then this worker will have to leave his/her position, nor shall an employer use the above-mentioned factors as reasons for termination.

第三十一條: 女性勞工享有每個月一天之生理假;其產假等相關母性保護依照兩性工作平等法相關規定辦理。
Article 31: A female worker is entitled to take a menstruation leave for one day per month. As for female protection measures such as maternity leave, this should be managed pursuant to relevant regulations stipulated in The Gender Equality Act.

第三十二條: 雇方及其家庭成員不得以性要求、具有性意味或性別歧視之言詞或行為,對勞方造成敵意性、脅迫性或冒犯性之工作環境致侵犯或干擾其人格尊嚴、人身自由或影響勞方工作表現。
Article 32: An employer and his/her family member(s) shall not create any hostile, intimidating, or offensive working environment for an employee through any sexual request, verbal expression or physical conduct with sexual implication or gender discrimination, with which [an employee’s] personal dignity, freedom of movement are infringed upon or interfered with, and his/her job performance is thus affected.

第三十三條 雇方於勞方依第二十四條、第二十六條規定之休假期間、依第二十九條規定之請假期間、以及依第三十一條規定之產假期間,因照護需要,得向社政主管機關申請臨時居家照顧服務,其辦法由中央主管機關定之。
Article 33: During the Employee’s day-off (pursuant to Article 26), personal leave
(pursuant to Article 29) and Maternity Leave (pursuant to Article 31), the
Employer can apply to the Central Controlling Organization for the services
of a temporary household care giver in case such services is needed.

第三十四條: 雇方不得歧視勞方之性別、國籍、階級、種族、膚色、宗教、語言、容貌,並不得限制勞方之宗教信仰與社交行為。
Article 34: An employer shall not discriminate against an employee’s gender, nationality or social origin, race, color, religion, and shall not limit an employee’s rights to freedom of religion and association.

第三十五條 雇主不法侵害勞方之人格法益情節重大者,勞方得請求懲罰性賠償金。其名
Article 35: In cases whereby the Employer violates the Employee’s person and dignity
to a significant extent, the Employee is entitled to request for punitive
compensation. In cases whereby the Employee’s reputation is violated or
defamed, he/she is entitled to request that his/her reputation be properly

第三十六條: 勞雇雙方若有勞資爭議,依據勞資爭議處理程序辦理。主管機關應提供法律
Article 36: In case a labor dispute arises between an employee and employer, it shall be managed pursuant to the Procedures For Labor Dispute Management. The competent authority shall provide legal assistance and establish a “Rights of Action Foundation” to assist an employee in processing his/her labor dispute lawsuit.

第三十七條: 主管機關為處理外籍家務勞動者因法令爭議、檢舉雇方非法使用、遭受性侵害及雇方違反契約任意遣返等情事,所衍生之收容問題,應設置臨時安置中心,俾保障外籍勞工工作及生活,維護其權益。
Article 37: The competent authority, in order to manage sheltering problems arising from matters such as 1. An issue of law, 2. Reporting an employer for illegal use of worker, 3. Suffering from sexual assault, and 4. Repatriation due to employer’s unilateral decision through contract-breaching, shall set up centers for temporary sheltering, so that the work and daily life of a migrant worker can be protected, and his/her rights can be defended.

第三十八條: 勞方如因工受傷,雇方應依職業災害相關法令辦理。
Article 38: In case an employee is injured due to his/her work, an employer shall manage it pursuant to laws relevant to occupational accident.

第三十九條: 中央主管機關,為貫徹本法及其他勞工法令之執行,應設檢查機構或授權直轄市主管機關專設檢查機構辦理之;直轄市、縣 (市) 主管機關於必要時,亦得派員實施檢查。
Article 39: The central competent authority, in order to pursue the implementation of this Act and other labor laws, shall set up labor inspection institution or authorize competent authority of special municipalities to set up special inspection institution to proceed with the task; the competent authority of the special municipalities, counties (cities), if necessary, are also entitled to send officers to inspect.
The organization of this said labor inspection institution shall be established by the central competent authority.

第六章: 監督與檢查
Chapter VI: Monitoring and Inspection

第四十條 檢查機構之檢查員執行職務時,應出示檢查證,雇方不得拒絕。雇方拒絕檢查時,檢查員得會同當地主管機關或警察機關強制檢查之。
Article 40: Upon acting in the course of his/her duties, an inspector shall produce an inspection certificate, and a business entity and employer shall not refuse such inspection. In case a business entity or an employer refuses to be inspected, an inspector is entitled to initiate an invitation to and be accompanied by the local competent authority or police agency to enforce the inspection.
While acting in the course of his/her duties, an inspector is entitled to ask a business entity (an employer) to submit necessary reports, records, books of account, and relevant documents or written descriptions. In case there is a need for abstracting materials, samples or data, an employer or his/her delegate shall be notified in advance, and a receipt shall be given to this said employer.

第四十一條: 勞方發現雇方違反本法及其他勞方法令規定時,得向雇方、主管機關或檢查機構申訴。
Article 41: In case an employee finds that a business entity (an employer) contravenes this Act or other labor laws, he/she is entitled to file a complaint to the employer, the competent authority, or the inspection organization.
An employer shall not terminate, transfer or take any disciplinary action adverse to an employee who personally files a complaint mentioned above.

第七章: 罰則
Chapter VII: Penalty

第四十二條 違反本法第四條規定者,處三年以下之有期徒刑、拘役或科或併科新台幣六萬元以上罰金。
Article 42: Conducts in contravention of Article 4 of this Act shall be liable to a determinate sentence under 3 years, detention, a sentence, or a combined sentence liable to pay a fine more than $60,000NT.

第四十三條: 雇方有本法第十二條第一項第四款行為時,處五年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或並科五萬元以下罰金。
Article 43: In cases where the Employer violates Article 12, Item 1, Section 4 of this
law, the Employer is liable to be imprisoned for five years or below,
detention or be fined in the amount of NEW TAIWAN DOLLARS FIFTY
THOUSAND or below.

第四十四條: 違反本法第七條規定者,自雇用之日起至參加保險之日止應負擔之保險費金?,處以三倍罰鍰。勞方因此所受之損失,並應由投保單位核實賠償。
Article 44: Conducts in contravention of Article 7 of this Act shall be liable to a fine that triples the insurance premium shouldered starting from the employment date and ending on the insured date. An employee’s damage thus caused shall be verified and compensated by the insurance authority.

第四十五條: 違反本法第九條第一項、第十六條規定者,中央主管機關應取消雇方聘僱許可
Article 45: In cases whereby Article No.9, Item No. 1, Article No. 16 of this law is
violated, the Central Controlling Organization shall cancel the Employer’s
Permit to Employ a Foreign Worker.

第四十六條: 主管機關對於違反本法規定之雇方,得限期命令其停止、改正其行為或採取必要更正措施,並得處新台幣二萬元以上一百五十萬元以下罰鍰;逾期仍不停止、改正其行為或採取必要更正措施者,得繼續限期命其停止、改正其行為或採取必要更正措施,並按次連續處新台幣四萬元以上二百萬元以下罰鍰,至停止、改正其行為或採取必要更正措施為止。
Article 46: In cases wherein the Employer violates the laws stipulated herein, the
In-Charge Organization shall give a deadline for the Employer to stop its
violation and to correct its behavior. The Employer shall also be fined in
the amount ranging from NEW TAIWAN DOLLARS TWENTY
where the Employer does not correct its behavior and continued in its
violation of the laws stipulated herein, the In-Charge Organization shall
continue to order the Employer to stop in its violation and to correct its
behavior. The Employer shall also be continuously fined based on the
number of times of its violation in the amount ranging from NEW TAIWAN
violations or taken corrective measures.

第八章: 附則
Chapter VIII: Annex

第四十七條: 本法施行細則,由中央主管機關定之。
Article 47: The Enforcement Rules of this Act shall be stipulated by the central competent authority.

第四十八條: 本法施行日期,自公佈日施行。
Article 48: The date for this Act to take effect, shall be the date of its promulgation.

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