Writing is one of the most accessible and immediate ways to access your creativity and unleash your potential. This workshop is designed to teach you how to tap into the buried, deeper parts of yourself, to reach into the creative well and pull out essays and stories begging to be written. No matter who you are, what you do, where you come from or how old you are, we all have stories to tell, feelings, ideas, and thoughts that we want to express.

Experience in writing is not necessary. All you need is the urge to write. The workshop will give you the encouragement, tools, and support you need to start writing immediately.
You will learn how to:
Develop dynamic writing techniques/ Connect with your creative source/ discover your own voice/ Express yourself effectively/ Access your place of powerful emotions/ Rediscover your dreams and passions/ Experience a sense of fun and adventure/ Stop your inner critic in its tracks/ Break through mental roadblocks…….

Time: 2:00PM~4:00PM (once or twice a month, 4~6 workshops in total. )
First meeting time : 2:00PM, July (Sunday)
Venue: TIWA ( 3F, 53-6, Sec. 3, Zhong-Shan No. Rd./ cross street, Christophore)
Instructor: M. Cheryl Chow (poet, writer and journalist from the USA)

Please fill out the application form and send it to TIWA before June 25
If you have any further questions, please contact :Alice 0928473423/ Molly: 0933169516




Suggestions or Expectation:

KaSaPi / TIWA, Taiwan International Workers’ Association http://tiwa.wokercn.com
3F, 53-6, Sec.3, Zhong-Shan N. Rd., Taipei. TEL:02-25956858 FAX:02.25956755

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