2004年底到2005年初,位於台北縣三重的「飛盟電子廠」連續三個月未發薪資,我們協助一百多名菲律賓女工抗爭多時,最後爭取到依法補發工資、資遣費、及轉換雇主。 Lan 與 Pilar 是在飛盟認識、相愛的一對小情侶,她們在飛盟宿舍、抗爭場合都攜手結伴、甜甜蜜蜜,Lan 更是抗爭過程的主要談判幹部之一。契約期滿後,Lan 與 Pilar 一起離開台灣,並在菲律賓共同申請轉赴科威特工作至今,在台灣的抗爭經驗使她們較一般人更敏感跨國移工的集體處境,也更有階級意識,以下是 Lan 的來信。
寄件者: lan reyes
收件者: [email protected]
傳送日期: 2005年11月18日 下午 10:14
主旨: life story of migrants in kuwait
Hi there how are you guys! Were here now in the philippines for vacation and of course for fixing our papers…but whether we like it or not we only had a very limited time we need to comeback in kuwait on the 28 of Nov. As i told you i will tell you some stories about the migrants in kuwait and here goes…………
Im working in a very expensive laundry shop and in my everyday stay in the shop theres a customer who always asking for help how they can fight for their right because their bosses or employers are always putting them in trouble some of their employers do not follow the rules of their contract mostly in their salary and they dont even give them day off and worst if the boss get angry they beat and hit these migrants…One DH my customer also told me story about 1 bangladesh who really wants to go home and her boss do not agree the next day this poor girl found out dead in her room and their boss said she attempt suicide……1 week before we go home we go to the philippine embassy for verifying our contract and I saw almost 200 filipinos there waiting for nothing they run from their employer 1 girl has scars from her face 1 has a black eye and some has scars anywhere in their bodies, some was raped by their boss and of course i keep on asking why are you here why you dont go home to our country they say they cant because nobody will give them tickets and our government has nothing to do with their case not only filipinos has a case like this there is indians,bangladesh,sri lankans and other nations……………W/ this i may say taiwan is very lucky you know why there is TIWA an organization who have heart to fight for the right of the migrants…Youre very brave guys i just wish you have friends to fight also for the thousands of migrants here i always remember you mam susan,molly and jingru i always pray for the success of your activities……..
And im very proud to tell you that were really blessed because we found a nice and decent company here our managers and bosses are nice to us they provide us good benefits i just pray i last…i miss working there also coz we mizz you all…keep in touch cant forget you…