
然而,在大多數需要被照顧服務的人得不到照顧、大多數照顧者仍苦於無法喘息、無法休息的狀況下,馬政權卻依然認為這樣的「血汗長照」制度是「向全球最完善制度」邁進 ?!健全台灣社會福利體系的希望,難道就這麼被政客的嘴泡消費?!


Ying-Jeou Ma’s promise in the campaign for 2008 presidential election, which is to carry out Long Term Care insurance and legislation, has not realized until now. Even on September 2013, when the Congress was resigned for KMT infighting, the premier Yi-hua Jiang still noted that Long Term Care is an urgent challenge. Around a month later, Ma once again raised Long Term Care as one of the key policies in the National General Congress of KMT. However in reality, most of the people who are in need of care services could not acquire proper care and nursing, and most of the caretakers are suffered for over-extended working time, struggling for taking a brief rest. How could Ma’s government still smugly regard their blood-sweat Long Term Care policy as “the most proper Long Term Care system in the world?” Are we resigned to let our hope for integrating Taiwan’s social welfare system consumed and destroyed by these politicians’ trash-talks and lies?

We would NOT WAIT for our future. We should not wait for our NEEDS!

We demand once again:

1. Bring caretakers and international workers into Long Term Care manpower planning
2. Abolish personal care systems
3. Legislate for domestic workers to ensure their rights「No to sweatshop healthcare Make the system social welfare」


「Tolak Sistem Perbudakan Perawatan Sempurnakan Kesejahteraan Sosial 」 「Labor condition, Gawing Masmakatao Ituwid ang Social Welfare 」

「Chấm Dứt Bóc Lột Hộ Lý Hoàn Thiện Phúc Lợi Xã Hội 」

「ไม่มีการดูแลสุขภาพเยี่ยงนรก สร้างระบบสวัสดิการสังคม」



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